• Your members may be interested to see what Len gets up to by signing up to his email newsletter: https://lensjournal.com/newsletter-sign-up

  • Len  curates and produces a printed journal each quarter of creative photography. Len's Journal has  been growing for 4 years and we are about to enter our 5th year of publication. It is a quarterly subscription:  https://lensjournal.com/publications/lens-journal-subscription

  • Len  is best known for his workshops and tours, all conducted with his  positive approach to teaching and mentoring, a list of upcoming  workshops can be found here: https://www.lensschool.com/photography-workshops-and-tours

  • The  Artists Club is Len's online community. This is a wonderful place for  like-minded souls to gather and explore their creativity in a safe and  caring environment. With challenges, exercises and projects to work on,  plus many interest groups to join, it will push your photography to  another level: https://theartists.club

Please do not share this link - this video can be downloaded and replayed for the members of Edwardstown Photography Club on 5th November 2024.