Len Metcalf

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EX56 Reflections

This weeks exercise is simply explained.


Mirrors, glass, water, chrome, whatever works…

Symmetry… Balance… Asymmetric… Unbalanced…

Include the object reflecting or don’t…

Let the idea take you somewhere new… Let it lead you…

Revisit a favourite subject and attempt it using a reflective surface… you can even take one with you. Alternatively, find a reflective surface and see what you can find in it..

Create one at home or go out and seek…

Post, share and comment….

How does seeing something backwards help or hinder us? Is it like inverted upside down? Does it change what we do?

The floor reflects just a hint…

The water creates a mirrored reflection…

Mirror image…

Reflections and reflector…

Rippled mirror

The bridge