Len Metcalf

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EX168 High Key | Low Key

This exercise has been suggested by Morag. Thank you.

See if you can create a high key and a low key artwork from the same subject and/or same photograph.

If you are doing it at the time of taking, underexposing, and overexposing.

If you are working from a file, then pushing it to over exposure and under exposure.

This exercise will run for two weeks. We will meet on Tuesday, 28th March 2023 at 9.30 am in Len’s Class.

Please post a high key and a low key image of the same subject and/or the same photograph.

We would love to see your failures too.

A high key image has lots of white and bright tones, an overwhelming majority of bright tones.

A low key image has lots of blacks and dark tones, an overwhelming marjority of dark tones.

Our question is can the same subject work for both high key and low key. Is it indeed a personal emotional choice, or does the subject or composition have a bearing on which one suits best.

Please watch the presentation to see examples.