EX51 Get it right in camera

Putting in a huge effort to get your photographs finished in camera pays off with time saved at your computer. It is very good to be working in this manner regards of whether you process or not.

Years ago I taught people to shoot to the right and set up the digital files to give you the best output. Somewhere along the line I changed my tune. Now I teach people to get it right when they take the photograph.

For this exercise set your camera to jpg. Or jpg and raw if your like me and feel it’s still good to have some options.

Delve into your camera settings. Did you know you can alter contrast, sharpness, grain and many other things in your jpgs? You need to go and look at your manual to find out about the possible settings you can play with.

My cameras allow me to modify the tone curve as well. You could also consider altering the colour temperature for creative effect.

I have been loving the high contrast monochrome mode and my examples this week are jpgs straight from camera, unprocessed. They are finished and don’t need anything except sharing.

So the rules are simple. Photograph jpgs and finish them in camera and post them unedited. Put effort into finding out possibilities and settings you can use. Experimenting and exploring.

Post, discuss and share what you did. So others can learn from your discoveries too…

High contrast monochrome, tone curve modified to darken shadows and lighten highlights to make it more contrasty.

Same settings as above

Same settings as above

Photographs and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2019

Len Metcalf

Artist | Writer | Photographer | Educator | Adventurer


EX52 A Project of Nine in January 2020


EX50 Green and Red