print requirements
Len's School offers one free print for every photographic shoot, workshop or tour you attend.
The print can only be one of your photographs from the shoot.
Your print must be picked up at your next shoot you attend or at Len's Studio.
You need to prepare the file and email through to Len.
Your files need to be:
- Adobe (1998) colour space
- prepared and retouched
- sized to fit on A3 sheet of paper for shoots (within 10 x 15 inches so that there is at least a 1 inch or 3 cm border)
- sized to fit on A2 sheet of paper for tours (within 16 x 22 inches so that there is at least a 1 inch or 3 cm border)
- 360 dpi or 300 dpi if you must
- saved as jpg - compression 10
- require no further retouching or processing
- be prepared on a calibrated monitor (if your into soft proofing use the pearl or semi-gloss paper as the profile)
They should be small enough to email them to us, if you can't you can always send them to me via drop box....