Some generic information to help you prepare for your workshop.

Len's School workshops


Firstly I would personally like to welcome you to the school. Every workshop we have run has had amazing outcomes for our clients, though this has only come with their hard work and enthusiasm. In this page you will be offered some things to think about and to help you prepare for your workshop. After reading them, please make some time to adequately prepare for the workshop by completing the tasks and questions outlined.

We run many workshops, from a short couple of hours through to a day or two, up to a week. For the longer workshops you should prepare more, and for the shorter ones you can get away with just showing up with your equipment.


Please read the specific requirements as outlined in each workshop, and tailor the following generic information. It is written mainly for the week long workshops, rather than our shorter offerings, though a quick read through will be very beneficial as will putting some time into thinking about what it is you want to get from the workshop. 

Review and select some of your own work to bring on the workshop. Pick out some of your favorite images, and ones that you think could be improved through positive critique. If you have decided on a future direction, then bring images that show or attempt to show this direction. We always prefer prints as they are more easily visual shared and displayed for critique. I do recommend throwing them into a folder and bringing digital copies as well, just in case you may want to work on them with us. This is case particularly with ones you would like to be shown how they can be processed or cropped for improvement.

Questions you need to ask

Please take some time to think about what you specifically would like to learn or ask during the workshop. Write your thoughts down as questions and bring them with you to the workshop.  Our workshops are on learning specific areas of photographic practice, so it is best to keep your questions targeted to these areas. For example it would be rather difficult on our Lightroom workshop to be spending lots of time discussing camera use. While this would be very appropriate on a week long specialist workshop.

Etiquette for workshops

  1. Be courteous
  2. Leave your ego at home
  3. Be positive & encouraging
  4. A sense of humor


Giving & Receiving constructive feedback

  • Specific feedback is better that general
  • Save the positives till last
  • Consider using an onion sandwich (positive - improvements - positives)
  • Avoid negatives, instead concentrate on improvements or suggestions
  • If you nothing positive to say then it is better say nothing


Please bring with you

  1. Camera equipment, spare batteries, and memory, lenses, filters, cleaning cloths, tripod, cable release (if unsure please ask)
  2. Your camera manual
  3. Note book and pens / pencils (blank pages are good for drawing diagrams in and are my personal preference)
  4. Medications (your normal personal medications) and completed medical / waiver / photo release forms (links to forms)

For workshops where you will be processing your images (all weekend and week long workshops)

  1. Laptop, power leads with photography software installed. I prefer to use Lightroom with my students, but am happy to work with any software (though I can’t claim expertise in many others).  Some of my clients regularly use; Photoshop & Camera Raw, Aperture and Capture One.

For workshops with an outdoor shooting component you will also need:

  1. Outdoor clothing, sturdy footwear, wet weather clothing (over pants, rain coat and hat), warm clothes (jacket, beanie and gloves a must) and long pants are recommended.
  2. Sun protection (hat and sunscreen)
  3. Sturdy large umbrella for photographing in the rain and mist
  4. Backpack or camera pack - while not mandatory carrying your camera, water, snacks and some spare clothing is important
  5. Water bottle or hydration bladder 500ml minimum
  6. Torch - my preference is for a head torch (this is so we can walk out in the dark)

Specific Workshop preparation

Lightroom Workshop

A working version of Lightroom CC / Lightroom 6 already installed on your own laptop (a one month trial version of Lightroom is available from Adobe)

We will provide you with images to work on in the course, though you are welcome to bring your own.

What to bring:

  • Laptop or desktop computer  with the latest Adobe Lightroom software (you can download a demo of the latest update, which will work for one month) A mouse is highly recommended for image editing.
  • It is your responsibility to turn up with a working version of Lightroom CC /Lightroom 6 installed on your computer (please check before arriving)
  • Files of some images you would like to work on
  • Your lunch


Seascape Workshop

In preparation for this workshop / course can you please bring the following:

  1. Identify four of your favorite seascape photographers and bring at least four examples of each of their work. The easiest way to do this is with a book, and pre identify your favorite eight images for each photographer.
  2. Between ten and twenty of your own personal favorite seascape images, preferably as prints (though digital files will suffice)
  3. Identify one common seascape composition that is used by many landscape photographers and bring three examples of that composition in use.
  4. A collection of postcards of seascapes that you like (this is non compulsory)
  5. A list of pre thought out questions re seascape photography technique / genres / composition etc
  6. Landscape / seascape photography books (technique or photographs) - bring any you would like others to see


Digital Black and White Workshop

  1. Identify four of your favorite black and white photographers and bring at least six examples of each of their work. The easiest way to do this is with a book. Make sure you identify your favorite images before you come. Stop and consider why you like them.
  2. Identify between ten and twenty of your own Black and White images, and bring copies of them for discussion. Prints are preferable, though digital files will suffice. Consider bringing your original files.
  3. A list of pre thought out questions re digital black and white photography
  4. Black and white photography books (either technique or photographs or both)
  5. Pre load NIK Silver EFX PRO 2 on your computer. Check to see that it works before the workshop. If you prefer to use other software that is ok. We will do specific demonstrations with this software and lightroom for conversions to black and white.


Creative Lens Workshop

Consider the following questions and bring your answers with you

  1. What is creativity? Where does it come from? How do you develop it?
  2. How does the creative process work for you?
  3. How does the creative process work for others?
  4. See if you can identify what head space your in when you are feeling creative. Describe it.
  5. What is composition? What are the main elements of photographic composition?
  6. What makes a great composition?
  7. Who are some photographers (and artists perhaps) that use an inspiring composition? (bring examples of their work)


Focused Lens Workshop

  • Please consider where you would like to go with your photography in the year your in the Focused Lens program. We prefer to work on physical projects. Like producing a book, of well thought out and executed images that are created to work together. In the first session we will discuss the many possibilities for projects. Some people arrive with well thought out plans for their projects, others still cant decide after the first session. This is ok, and is part of the process. Perhaps you just have a genre you wish to follow, or a technique you wish to perfect.