EX126 Questions and Answers

“When I photograph, what I’m really doing is seeking answers to things.” 

– Wynn Bullock


Here is a real challenge.

What does Wynn Bullock mean?

Is he asking questions in his work, or perhaps he is searching for answers?

In the photograph I have included, I ask what questions may have I posed? What answers am I seeking?

Am I seeking a visual answer? Am I seeking an answer to life? Death?

How can a flower be so beautiful after death?

For this exercise I want you to consider questions and answers? Perhaps you have a question in your mind when you are taking the photograph, or perhaps it will come afterwards?

Post no more than three photographs that pose questions or that show you seeking answers.

We will discuss the notion of questioning in photographs during our next Len’s Class with the photographs posted.

Please comment and discuss questions and answers you may be trying to solve in the discussion as well.

Post your photographs in the forum for us to discuss. https://lensclub.discussion.community/post/ex126-questions-and-answers-11973677?pid=1328796240#post1328796240

Len Metcalf

Artist | Writer | Photographer | Educator | Adventurer


EX127 Weston inspired


EX125 Floral Project