EX155 A project inspired by our own words
It is time for a little extended project. One that follows on from last weeks exercise where we sat and observed and wrote about what we saw. From this writing, identify five words that are meaningful to you. Chose your five words with thought, and look for the ones that jump out at you. No need to think about what these words mean or how you might use them. Just look for the words that are the most meaningful ones to you.
Note: If you missed the last exercise, there is still time to do it. Sit and journal for 36 minutes at place you prefer, about what you see in front of you. Use the notes from your journaling to identify five words that are meaningful to you from your journaling.
Now take the most important word, or perhaps the most important two, or even three. Ones that are perhaps related or perhaps aren’t related at all. Perhaps you chose a little phrase of three words.
Sit with this word, or this statement, or these few words…
Write them down. You can turn it into a statement if you wish.
Now you have your starting point for your next project.
They are your basis for your next project.
They are the title of your next project.
You now have three weeks to work on it.
Next week (16th November) we will do a check in session, offering feedback on your project. An opportunity to check in with where it is up too and where it may be going. Please share your word, statement, words… Your idea and inspiration.
Then on the 30th August 2022, we will present our completed projects.
For many of you, having some walls to bounce around in is good. So aim for between nine and sixteen photographs in your project.
Lastly, you don’t need to go back to the same location at all. You are using your title to inspire you.