Len Metcalf

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EX165 Intentional Over Exposure

There are many ways to make a high key photograph. You can increase the exposure in your post processing to make a high key artwork. In practice there isn’t much difference when it comes to the final image.

But, I have found that I create better high key images when I intentionally overexpose at the taking end, and then I can touch them up in post processing.

So for this weeks exercise I ask you to intentionally overexpose your photographs. Bring in lots and lots of white.

Experiment to see if you need a black or not. I think that is going to be a personal choice.

This exercise could be called ‘High Key’. But for it, please don’t just raise the whites and exposure on a image you already have. But please go out and intentionally overexpose your photographs and add lots of white into the mix.

Lets talk about the how’s and why’s of overexposing.

When you shoot raw, do you find you have way more information than the jpg in the review had?


  • When over exposing, go three to five stops over exposed.

  • Look for high contrast scenes so that you get some information somewhere in the artwork

  • Compose the white areas. Think beyond the subject in terms of composition.

  • Shoot raw and jpg incase your jpgs are just right out of camera

Post your photographs in the forum in this post. https://lensclub.discussion.community/post/ex165-intentional-over-exposure-12566872?pid=1334538523#post1334538523

Please post three to five images. If you only have one, that is also ok too.

We will discuss the results in the next Len’s Class.