EX112 False Colour

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Lets experiment with false colour.

This is a technique I am playing with and we need to be really flexible to see how it works.

Firstly, you need to find something clear but with colour to shoot through. This may be a coloured filter. It could also be:

  • coloured glass

  • coloured water

  • celephane

  • transparent material

  • coloured plastic.

The main thing is that you need to be able to see through it. Ideally it would be large enough to cover your lens.

Once you have your coloured transparent piece of colour, hold it up to the lens, and then set a custom white balance, but selecting custom white balance, pointing your camera at white piece of paper, and taking a photograph of the white piece of paper.

You usually have to accept this with an ‘ok’.

Now your camera turns everything that is the colour of your transparent colour white, and shifts every other colour around.

In the example above, I used a orange piece of glass in front of the lens. Set my one touch white balance, and discovered this gorgeous blue flower, that was actually pink.

Post three photographs from your experiments. Try different white balances if you like, and even try different transparent colours to shoot through.

Perhaps you have an interesting piece of glass where in your house that you may like to shoot through with.

Len Metcalf

Artist | Writer | Photographer | Educator | Adventurer


EX113 Abstracting Colour - Intentional Colour Shifts and False Colours


EX111 Fishing