EX58 Diagonals
A diagonal goes from one corner to the other, by definition. Oblique lines are angled lines that bisect a space, yet they don’t have to bisect it equally.
Last week we explored our left / right visual bias. Many identifying the point of power as one way to identify differences between the two versions. Elizabeth asked about how learning to read changes us. I wish I could answer this, but I can’t. I can clearly see cultural differences, usually with symbols, vertical space. I do know there is a difference in preference for vertical verse horizontal scrolls.
I want us to keep going with last weeks theme and explore which way we prefer the diagonals to run. Does it change with composition or do we have a bias.
By sticking to diagonals we will be more focused in our discussion. Let’s also stick to squares so the angles don’t change either. Just post your resolves compositions. Take them without too much thought, and go with feeling. Then once we post them we can theorise why we love particular ones. It’s then we can question our bias and see if there is a left or right bias too.
Oops, almost a diagonal. Probably near enough though.
A negative space diagonal
Sand sand sand
Dip Falls, the Tarkine. Can’t wait to see them again.
Oops. One that has diagonals from all four corners!